The Youth Leadership project seeks to improve the health, nutrition, and economic diversity of rural coffee-growing communities through the empowerment of local youth.

The project provides groups of teens with opportunities for skill-building and personal development in the areas of organic agriculture, administration of social projects, monitoring and evaluation, community development, and entrepreneurship. After initial training in organic agriculture with project staff, teens collaborate with a local primary school to implement and maintain an organic school garden. This space serves as a learning site for school-based educational activities as well as a source of nutritional food for local students.

During the latter portion of the project timeline, participating teens design and launch their own entrepreneurial endeavor with the support of Youth Leadership project staff. ​Past groups of Youth Leaders have chosen to raise chickens, keep bees, and cultivate oyster mushrooms—the sky's the limit for these teens when their ambition meets the project mentorship and seed capital provided by Pueblo a Pueblo!