Pueblo a Pueblo’s mission is To improve the health, education and food security of families in vulnerable and coffee-growing communities in Guatemala through integrated community and school-based programs.

Our Values
Pueblo a Pueblo was founded on the belief that meaningful and sustainable change requires the commitment and active involvement of the individual, community or organization that will benefit from that change.

Pueblo a Pueblo strives to promote values such as collaboration, personal responsibility, self-respect, careful stewardship of resources, and creative problem-solving.

Pueblo a Pueblo builds local capacity by training community members to manage and maintain all projects. Even once we move on, the programs will continue to benefit present and future generations in rural Guatemalan coffee farming communities.

Our History
Pueblo a Pueblo was established in 2001 to address the widespread poverty, illiteracy and poor health afflicting the communities surrounding Santiago Atitlán, a Tz'utujil community located on Lake Atitlán in the Guatemala's western highlands. This village of 49,631 (Renap 2017) residents is one of the largest indigenous Maya communities in the Americas. Our name, which can be interpreted as “village to village” or “people to people,” celebrates the bond between local and international supporters and the indigenous families of Guatemala.

Since then, Pueblo a Pueblo has evolved and expanded to directly target coffee growing communities in rural Guatemala. We address the three most critical needs of the families in these communities: long-term solutions to support health, education, and food security.

Currently, our programs are:

  • reducing maternal and infant mortality; 

  • teaching new mothers about parenting, child development and family planning; 

  • providing children the support they need to attend and succeed in school; 

  • keeping children healthy with regular medical and dental exams; 

  • equipping local coffee farmers to diversify their incomes and better support their families. 

From the beginning, Pueblo a Pueblo has collaborated with community members to develop sustainable solutions that respect the people we serve. We proudly remain true to our name, working together—village to village and people to people—to build individual and community capacity and create
a future of health, education, and opportunity for the children here in Guatemala and beyond.